GGI Newsletter


HSP is proud to be an active GGI member! In the current issue of the GGI Insider newsletter you find an review of our last webinar on the end of the EU-US Privacy Shield from Mag. Samir Pajalic (p 15/16), which was an absolute must for data protection lawyers!

Also, you will find the first four ideas from our series on “19 Motley Real Estate Ideas in Times of COVID-19” from Mag. Nadja Holzer and Mag. Helmut Seitz (p 46/47). Stay tuned for further 15 ideas!

In addition, we want to promote our upcoming webinar on "Findings and Experiences in Relation to COVID-19". During this webinar HSP-partner Mag. Nadja Holzer will provide an insight into the impact of COVID-19 on the real estate and construction industries.
The webinar will take place on 07 December 2020, 15:00 pm. If you want to know more about the upcoming event, you will find detailled information on the webinar on P 11/12 of the GGI Insider newsletter.